Category: Standard of CBT

May 25
Equitably sharing the benefits

Effective management is needed to ensure that the socio-economic benefits of tourism…

May 25
Identifying appropriate funding sources and structures

The funding strategy for a CBT venture is one of the most important determinants of…

May 25
Resourcing CBT – Mechanisms for funding, asset management and procurement

Some highlight key considerations for resourcing the CBT operation, from selecting the…

May 25
Different CBT organization and management structures

Different organization and management structures suit different CBT operations and…

May 25
Continuous monitoring and evaluation

CBT ventures need to be continually monitored to maintain quality standards, keep…

May 25
How to manage change of the CBT

Managing the visitor experience One of the biggest changes the management team will…

May 24
Increasing resilience through managing for change

Change is an inevitable—and often desirable—part of any CBT venture, as it passes…

May 24
Operating within a regulatory framework

All stakeholders in the CBT venture need to be informed, from the outset, about the…

May 24
How to ensure the quality of the CBT operation

Identify key areas for quality control The leadership team should initiate and…

May 24
Maintaining standards and quality control the CBT operation

Quality and control standards impact the total visitor experience. They can ensure…