Category: Standard of CBT

May 16
Standards for ensuring the quality of tours and activities

Standards for ensuring the quality of tours and activities Tours/activities operate…

May 16
Standards for ensuring local guide quality and expertise

Standards for ensuring local guide quality and expertise Guides are recruited based on…

May 16
Standards for guest and local community interaction

Standards for guest and local community interaction Environmental and cultural…

May 16
Standards for conserving and improving the environment

Standards for conserving natural resources Natural resources and environmentally…

May 16
Standards for contribution to social well-being

Standards for maintaining human dignity Sex tourism, drug trafficking, human…

May 16
Standards for effective and transparent governance

Standards for effective and transparent governance The CBT initiative is managed by…

May 16
Digital Marketing Benefits for CBT

Nowadays, new technologies allow the community to expand and improve their businesses…

May 16
Developing and Being Successful in CBT

CBT may enhance social sustainability by empowering local communities to manage their…