Category: Incentives for CBT

May 29
Regional community tourism hubs

In many parts of the world, community tourism networks or knowledge hubs play a key…

May 29
Collaboration between communities and tourism authorities

Government tourism authorities and industry peak bodies exist in most countries and/or…

May 29
Relationships between communities and the private sector

Appropriate engagement with the private sector can benefit CBT. Realistically, the…

May 29
Building positive relationships to develop a strong foundation for CBT

Partnerships and other forms of networks can provide critical support for CBT…

May 29
Building relationships with tourism stakeholders to support CBT

To deliver and sustain the CBT venture over the longer term, communities can develop…

May 26
Adding value to other tourist activities

CBT is most likely to succeed where surrounding areas offer complementary tourism…

May 26
Tailoring marketing strategies

To be sustainable, a CBT operation requires an effective and appropriate marketing…

May 26
How to know the target market

Clearly identifying what kind of visitors the community is seeking to attract (the…

May 26
How to define the product

The product or tourist experience on offer is the foundation of any successful CBT…

May 26
Developing and marketing the CBT product

The primary product of tourism is not something produced by the industry. The product…